sábado, mayo 18, 2024

San Miguel de Allende Administration protects wildlife and environment / @MauricioTrejoP @GobMunicipalSMA >>>

#SanMiguelDeAllende, #Gto.- Fulfilling the commitment of President Mauricio Trejo with the environment, the Municipal Administration continues working on the protection of wildlife.

Thanks to the participation of the people who report the findings, the Department of Environment and Sustainability has sheltered several animals, including reptiles, birds and mammals of different species, which left their habitat and arrived disoriented or injured to the urban area of San Miguel.

These animals have been protected to return them safe and sound to their ideal environment and citizens have played an important role in these actions, by respecting and reporting them.

«We must be empathetic, because we are in a very beautiful territory where coexistence with animals still exists. You can cohabit with the animals. (the most common are) opossums, cacomixtles and raccoons, in snakes: the chirrionera and the alicante, although we have also had scarcer reports of the coralillo. (The rarest animal was) a rattlesnake that I had no record of existing here, so this is a very important finding, and also a bat that I didn’t know existed in this area», said Gabriel Parada, fauna rescue inspector of the Environment and Sustainability Directorate.

The latest cases that have been attended to are: a snake, several raccoons on the loose and others in families, as well as an American kestrel (similar to a hawk) and a gray fox.

As on these occasions, each wild animal is provided with food and hydration to proceed with the releases, which have taken place in different areas of the municipality, with the objective of expanding the fauna in San Miguel de Allende.

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